Participants are invited to present their data in oral communications or poster presentations.
Due to the postponement of ICNI2021 to July 2022, the deadlines for abstract submission have been extended.
If you have already submitted an abstract, please mail to the secretary of ICNI2021 to state whether you maintain it or withdraw it.
Abstract submission has opened in October 2020 and will be kept open until May 2022.
Please, use the following template for your abstract and name it as OC_Name_Surname.doc, if you apply for an oral communication, or PP_Name_Surname.doc, if you apply for a poster presentation (pdf files will be generated automatically).
To submit your abstract, please click on the following link: Abstract submission
Oral communications and poster presentations will be selected by the organizing commitee based on the content of their abstract. A selection of oral communications will be promoted by the commitee to the rank of invited lecture. Flash presentations will also be proposed to a selection of poster presenters to advertize their work.
– Oral communications will consist in 12 minutes of presentation followed by 3 additional minutes reserved for questions.
– Invited lectures will consist in 15 minutes of presentation followed by 5 additional minutes reserved for questions.
– Flash presentations will consist in 3 minutes summary presentation of the poster, supported by 1 or 2 slides.
– Posters should be presented in A0 portrait format.